Watercolour Fundraiser

One of the personal upsides to being in a lockdown during this global pandemic, is that I have more time to paint! I created a whole new series, thanks to being forced to stay at home.

While I am fortunate enough to have secure housing and food and a very stable family unit, the pandemic lockdowns were still emotionally stressful. These extra stressors took a toll on society as whole and globally we found ourselves  facing unrest and clashes on many social issues.

I decided to host a fundraiser where 30% of all sales of my new series would be donated to 3 organizations. I also decided to personally match 30% of the donation amount, so that I could double the amount of funds that would be donated to:

·  Black Health Alliance
· Native Women’s Association of Canada
· Aboriginal Legal Services

Thanks to everybody who purchased a painting, I was able to donate $200 to each organization.

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